🎬 Unlock the Magic of Screenwriting with Expert Page Craft 🎬

Jessica Nile Brunelle
2 min readFeb 5, 2024


🎬 Unlock the Magic of Screenwriting with Expert Page Craft 🎬

Hello, LinkedIn community!

As a seasoned screenwriter with a passion for storytelling and a deep understanding of the nuances of page craft, I’m excited to offer my services to help bring your stories to life. Whether you’re at the concept stage, midway through your draft, or polishing your final script, I’m here to help you create compelling narratives that captivate audiences.

📝 What I Offer:

  • Script Consultation: Detailed feedback on structure, character development, dialogue, and pacing to ensure your script is engaging and ready for the screen.
  • Page Craft Mastery: Techniques to enhance readability and visual storytelling, making every page a work of art that directors and actors can’t wait to bring to life.
  • One on One: Coaching sessions that cover screenwriting fundamentals, advanced page craft strategies, and industry insights to elevate your writing skills.

Why me? With years of experience in the film and television industry, I bring a wealth of knowledge, creativity, and a keen eye for detail to every project. I’m committed to helping writers at all levels refine their craft and create scripts that resonate with audiences and stand out in a crowded marketplace.

If you’re ready to take your screenplay to the next level or have a story idea you’re passionate about developing, I’d love to hear from you. Let’s collaborate to make your screenwriting dreams a reality.

Please feel free to dm me or email me at jessicabrunelle04.2019@gmail.com

Let’s create something unforgettable together!

#Screenwriting #PageCraft #ScriptConsultation #Storytelling #FilmMaking #CreativeCollaboration



Jessica Nile Brunelle

Screenwriting visceral character-driven dramas/dramedies about tragic and emotionally damaged characters who find peace and hope.